Thursday, October 2, 2008

Skellington Brown: Portraits of an Undead Skater


"Skellington Brown 360 Flips the 8-Set" Graphite, 2008
11" x 11" - NFS

So, this is my first conceptual drawring for the Skellington Brown series. It will soon be a stencil, and, hence, will soon be sweeter than it is now. More Skellinton to come:

- Skellington Brown Invents the Japan Air
- Skellington Brown hits an Indy Nosebone over the garbage can
- Skellington Brown Frontside Crooked Grinds across the quadrangle
- Skellington Brown Handplants the edge of the Grand Canyon
- Skellington Brown hits the 360 Melon Grab over the spine


10/06/08: Update -

"Skellington Brown 360 Flips the 8-Set" Spraypaint, 2008
12" x 12" - 30 Bones