Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mis Hermanos y Yo

Here are some stencils of my bros and myself. I'll be updating this again later, because I cannot yet show the images of my bros ('s a surprise). But here's what I've got so far.

"I Voted!" Spraypaint, 2008
8.5" x 11"

"This is Me" Spraypaint, 2008
12.5" x 12.5"

"The Old and Fat One" Spraypaint, 2008
13" x 13"

"The Fat One with the Hat" Spraypaint, 2008
13" x 13"

"The Fat One with the Hair" Spraypaint, 2008
13" x 13"

These were really fun to make. I made hoodies for The Old and Fat One, The Fat One with the Hat, and The Fat One with the Hair for Christmas. They turned out really well. I'll try to get some pictures of those uploaded at some point as well.

Stay cool. You know the rule.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Skellington Brown: Portraits of an Undead Skater


"Skellington Brown 360 Flips the 8-Set" Graphite, 2008
11" x 11" - NFS

So, this is my first conceptual drawring for the Skellington Brown series. It will soon be a stencil, and, hence, will soon be sweeter than it is now. More Skellinton to come:

- Skellington Brown Invents the Japan Air
- Skellington Brown hits an Indy Nosebone over the garbage can
- Skellington Brown Frontside Crooked Grinds across the quadrangle
- Skellington Brown Handplants the edge of the Grand Canyon
- Skellington Brown hits the 360 Melon Grab over the spine


10/06/08: Update -

"Skellington Brown 360 Flips the 8-Set" Spraypaint, 2008
12" x 12" - 30 Bones

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Latter Buffalo Years continued...

So, I sprayed the buffalo stencil today. Without a doubt, it made the top ten list of most frustrating and downright irritating things I've done in my whole life. I'm so pissed I just want to spit.

Upon finishing the project, I immediately crumpled the stencils I used to make it and tossed them in the garbage. There was a far easier way to execute this particular project, but it escaped me during the time of planning. So, I have decided to put the other enormous and badass animal stencil projects on hold. Probably for a while. I'm going to start working on a smaller scale. I got so irritated with the process that I was starting to consider spraying myself in the eyes with spraypaint to make the experience more pleasant.

So, the projects below will be on hold until I have more suitable funds and facilities to execute them. Luckily, however, I was seized by the balls last night by the iron grip of artistic enlightenment, and my next project came to me in a dream. Here is the teaser. It will be called "Skellington Brown: Portraits of an Undead Skater".

I'll post a pic of that big buffalo stencil when it's light enough in my room to shoot it. Word.

"Super Irritating Buffalo Print That Doesn't Look as Bad as I Had Expected but was Still a Superhuge Pain in my Ass" Spraypaint, 2008
22" x 28" - NFS

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Latter Buffalo Years

Here are some projects in the works. The following drawings are large, complex spraypaint stencil projects to be. I just finished cutting the buffalo. So, a finished work for that one will be up soon. Here we go!

Inspired by "Tippy": 22" x 28"

Inspired by a moose: 28" x 22"

Inspired by an angry berr: 28" x 22"

Inspired by a severed mountain ram head: 28" x 22"

More to come on these doodz. Keep posted! Though, writing that now is interesting because I'm about 99.64% sure that nobody has seen this webpage. Man, I'm so lonely.

The Middle Buffalo Years

Here are some prints from the Middle Buffalo Years, between 2008 and 2008. I think it's really just 2 images, but I did a fair bit of experimentation. There's some lithography, some woodcuts and a bit of chine colle thrown in the mix. So, I hope you enjoy. Also, remember, what appears the same is not actually the same (oooooooh.....).

"I don't care if Johnny has a broken arm, if Sarah has typoid fever, if all of my oxen are dead, and if I just got bitten by a rattlesnake. You bet your wagon axles I want to hunt again." Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 9" - 50 bones

I'm not about to write that whole thing out every time...: Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 9" - 50 bones

" : Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 9" - 50 bones

" : Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 9" - 50 bones

The following prints use the same image as above, but I dropped a colored sky on the print with another stone. I finally got the touche wash to work after about 439 tries.

"I don't care if Johnny has a broken arm, if Sarah has typoid fever, if all of my oxen are dead, and if I just got bitten by a rattlesnake. You bet your wagon axles I want to hunt my blue socks" Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 19" - 100 bones

" : Lithograph, 2008
14" x 19" - 75 bones

" : Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 19" - 80 bones

" : Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 19" - 100 bones

" : Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 19" - 80 bones

"I don't care if Johnny has a broken arm, if Sarah has typoid fever, if all of my oxen are dead, and if I just got bitten by a rattlesnake. You bet your wagon axles I want to hunt my red socks" Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 19" - 100 bones

" : Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 19" - 80 bones

" : Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 19" - 80 bones

" : Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 19" - 100 bones

" : Lithograph, Chine colle, 2008
14" x 19" - 100 bones

Here is a woodcut I played around with for a little while. I made it using a bunch of buffalo stencils I had already cut. Party over here.

"No jocks. No dirt. Just fun with girls." Woodcut, 2008
24" x 16" - 50 bones

"No jocks. No dirt. Just fun with girls." Woodcut, 2008
24" x 16" - 50 bones

"No jocks. No dirt. Just fun with girls." Woodcut, 2008
24" x 16" - 50 bones

"No jocks. No dirt. Just fun with girls." Woodcut, 2008
24" x 16" - 50 bones

"No jocks. No dirt. Just fun with girls." Woodcut, 2008
24" x 16" - 50 bones

I messed up on that last one, but I like it alot.

The Early Buffalo Years

Here is the stuff I've done during the time between 2008 and 2008. It's a bunch of different kinds of stuff. We have some spraypaint stencil work, some woodcut relief work, some chine colle stuff (I think that's French for "irritating paper"), and some combos (mmm...combos).

"Beardy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, Chine colle, 2008
11" x 14" - NFS

"Beardy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 14" - 50 bones

"Wonky Beardy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 14" - 50 bones

"Beardy and White" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 14" - 50 bones

"The Golden Beardy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 14" - 50 bones

"Tippy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, Chine colle, 2008
11" x 13" - NFS

Untitled: Tippy in Purple - Spraypaint, 2008
11" x 13" - Best offer...

"Tippy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 13" - 50 bones

"Tippy McWhite" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 13" - 50 bones

"Trippy Beardy Tippy Man" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 14" - 50 bones

I can make Beardy or Tippy shirts too. If you want one, let me know. I'll put up images of other stencils I can put on shirts too. Shirt prices to be decided.

The Lithographic Era

Here are some of the lithographs I did in the fall of 2007. I only did 3 different litho projects, but I got a pretty good feel for the process. Like most of the images on this site, there will be more than one kind of print shown for each image. I did a bit of experimentation with paper colors, ink colors and whatnot. So, while some of the images look the same, they're different. Trust me, I made them. Also, the lighting in the photograph sort of plays tricks on the eye. The warm tone across the center to the right doesn't actually exist. It's merely a figment of your imagination.

"Manflower" Lithograph, 2007
17" x 24" - 75 bones

"H.T. Rumples Goes to Rome" Lithograph, 2007
8.5" x 11" - 35 bones

"The King of All Birds" Lithograph, 2007
12" x 9" - 75 bones

"The King of All Birds" Lithograph, 2007
12" x 9" - NFS

And there you have it. I have a couple Manflowers, a bunch of H.T. Rumples and a bunch of Birds left. The bidding will start at $3 million.