Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Latter Buffalo Years continued...

So, I sprayed the buffalo stencil today. Without a doubt, it made the top ten list of most frustrating and downright irritating things I've done in my whole life. I'm so pissed I just want to spit.

Upon finishing the project, I immediately crumpled the stencils I used to make it and tossed them in the garbage. There was a far easier way to execute this particular project, but it escaped me during the time of planning. So, I have decided to put the other enormous and badass animal stencil projects on hold. Probably for a while. I'm going to start working on a smaller scale. I got so irritated with the process that I was starting to consider spraying myself in the eyes with spraypaint to make the experience more pleasant.

So, the projects below will be on hold until I have more suitable funds and facilities to execute them. Luckily, however, I was seized by the balls last night by the iron grip of artistic enlightenment, and my next project came to me in a dream. Here is the teaser. It will be called "Skellington Brown: Portraits of an Undead Skater".

I'll post a pic of that big buffalo stencil when it's light enough in my room to shoot it. Word.

"Super Irritating Buffalo Print That Doesn't Look as Bad as I Had Expected but was Still a Superhuge Pain in my Ass" Spraypaint, 2008
22" x 28" - NFS

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