Thursday, October 2, 2008

Skellington Brown: Portraits of an Undead Skater


"Skellington Brown 360 Flips the 8-Set" Graphite, 2008
11" x 11" - NFS

So, this is my first conceptual drawring for the Skellington Brown series. It will soon be a stencil, and, hence, will soon be sweeter than it is now. More Skellinton to come:

- Skellington Brown Invents the Japan Air
- Skellington Brown hits an Indy Nosebone over the garbage can
- Skellington Brown Frontside Crooked Grinds across the quadrangle
- Skellington Brown Handplants the edge of the Grand Canyon
- Skellington Brown hits the 360 Melon Grab over the spine


10/06/08: Update -

"Skellington Brown 360 Flips the 8-Set" Spraypaint, 2008
12" x 12" - 30 Bones


Cephus said...

Dude! Make Skellington Brown do a sick bid for a disc. or make him falling off a sweet ass Iron Horse

Anonymous said...

your face can't repel punches of this magnitude!


Unknown said...

Dude...your stuff is dope. Seriously.


Gerontion said...

1) why no activity recently
2) check out my new ocelot
3) i'm putting stuff up in the area this weekend
4) when can i come down there to put stuff up?/are people cool with it there?
5)you're a donkey dick