Monday, September 15, 2008

The Early Buffalo Years

Here is the stuff I've done during the time between 2008 and 2008. It's a bunch of different kinds of stuff. We have some spraypaint stencil work, some woodcut relief work, some chine colle stuff (I think that's French for "irritating paper"), and some combos (mmm...combos).

"Beardy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, Chine colle, 2008
11" x 14" - NFS

"Beardy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 14" - 50 bones

"Wonky Beardy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 14" - 50 bones

"Beardy and White" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 14" - 50 bones

"The Golden Beardy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 14" - 50 bones

"Tippy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, Chine colle, 2008
11" x 13" - NFS

Untitled: Tippy in Purple - Spraypaint, 2008
11" x 13" - Best offer...

"Tippy" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 13" - 50 bones

"Tippy McWhite" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 13" - 50 bones

"Trippy Beardy Tippy Man" Spraypaint, Woodcut, 2008
11" x 14" - 50 bones

I can make Beardy or Tippy shirts too. If you want one, let me know. I'll put up images of other stencils I can put on shirts too. Shirt prices to be decided.


Lauren and Justin said...

can i please have a buffalo shirt?? please?

Unknown said...

The trippy beardy tippy beardy one is AMAZING. IT BLOWS MY MIND MAN. MY MIIIIIIIIIIND. I'M FREAKIN' OUT MAN. FREEEEEEAKIN. OUT. i miss you brother. your artwork is most exceptionally awesome.