Monday, September 15, 2008

The Latter Buffalo Years

Here are some projects in the works. The following drawings are large, complex spraypaint stencil projects to be. I just finished cutting the buffalo. So, a finished work for that one will be up soon. Here we go!

Inspired by "Tippy": 22" x 28"

Inspired by a moose: 28" x 22"

Inspired by an angry berr: 28" x 22"

Inspired by a severed mountain ram head: 28" x 22"

More to come on these doodz. Keep posted! Though, writing that now is interesting because I'm about 99.64% sure that nobody has seen this webpage. Man, I'm so lonely.


Lauren and Justin said...

i love blogging. welcome to blogworld!

Unknown said...

MARK. i can't express my fraternity toward you in words, because it would only come out in the words, "you're fat." However, in this recent addition of a blog to our brother relationship, I can tell you things like, "that grizzly bear one is going to be the shiznit," and "the ram, man. that ram is sick." I really like your work brother, and since we're like brothers (and stuff), I'm excited about getting lots of free awesome shirts from you. much love, your little bro, the duke.

Unknown said...

those doodz ARE gonna be sick. sick as nutz.